
Showing posts from January, 2009


When I was growing up in a small town most people had front porches.  Now, we all have back decks or patios surrounded by privacy fences.  We can drive right into our houses (attached garages) without ever seeing a neighbor for days or weeks.  With the invention of "self-service" lines, we can get groceries or gas without ever talking or interacting with another human.  We can even Christmas shop with out ever leaving our house.  We can bank online and we can "social" network while staring at an LCD screen.  Wal-Mart and other stores are actually hiring greeters.  How interesting!  We are now hiring people to do what just came natural only a few decades ago. We are becoming more and more disconnected with other humans.  What is so strange about this is, we were created to interact.  We desire relationship.  Even those of us who are "loners" are usually so because of woundings.  No wonder we feel alone.  We know something is missing.   That is why I am so e...