A Climb and Leap of Faith
A few years ago, as God was starting to wake me out of my slumber, I attended a "Men's Advance" in southern Indiana. During that weekend, I had an experience that I believe has changed the course of my life. If you were there and looking on, you would probably not have recognized it as a life changing moment. To be honest, neither did I. But, the number of times I have thought back on that event, as well as the number of times I have told the story, illustrates its significance. One sunny afternoon, many of the men gathered at the base of 3 telephone poles. Those poles are pictured above. The shorter pole has climbing pegs that reach to within 4 feet of the top of the pole. The 2 taller poles have a trapeze-like bar hanging between them. The goal of this challenge is to climb and stand on the top of the shorter pole and jump to the trapeze on the longer poles....