A Game of Hope

The Blended Church, my home church in Indianapolis, IN, has a strong prison ministry called "Broken Chains." Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to partner with the leader of that ministry, Mike Miller, to teach classes at the Plainfield Re-entry Educational Facility based on John Eldredge's book called "Wild at Heart."

I have to admit, before I got involved with this ministry, I was pretty judgmental of the men in prison. My attitude has changed over time. To be sure, my belief that they are accountable for their actions has not changed. But, I think I am getting a better understanding of the kind of situations most of these men come out of. In addition to this, I realize that in many cases the only difference between us and them is that they got caught.

Clearly, Jesus has not given up on these men and neither should we. You don't have to take my word for it. When you get to heaven, just ask the thief on the cross.


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