Wondering Where the Lions Are!

Men need to be initiated into Godly manhood. We need to be mentored through the stages and levels of growth. The model I like to use is the one created by John Eldredge.

Boyhood -> Cowboy -> Warrior -> Lover -> King -> Sage.

This journey, through the stages, is made easier when men in the stages above, reach down and pull us up.

Unfortunately, not enough of this is happening. In fact, because of the crisis of manhood in our world today, fewer and fewer Kings and Sages exist to help those below. The path through these stages has become overgrown and vaguely marked. Often, I feel like I am trying to navigate uncharted territory. It should not be this way.

Men, we have an obligation and a duty to open this trail, to reach down and pull men up through the stages through which we have already passed. Kings and Sages, show yourselves. God is not finished with you! You are desperately needed.


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