Time Stands Still
If you have attended some of our Men's Meetings or read some of my blogs or have just been around me when I have been thinking of it, you have probably heard me talk about how disappointed I am in how fast time passes. I recognize that it is probably something all "aging" people think about. Unfortunately, I guess I must qualify for that category. I am most keenly aware of the topic as my kids hit certain significant milestones. It is disappointing to me to realize that I can only remember a very small fraction of the time that we have had together. If someone has lived in your house for 18 years, one should be able to better account for more than the number of moments that I can specifically recall. With only a few exceptions, it seems that the minutes, hours and years have mostly blurred into a fuzzy lump. I experienced something completely different on my recent trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota. When I am here at ...