His Right Hand Shall Lead Me!

My son and I just returned from a trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) in upper Minnesota, literally a few feet south of the Canadian border.  Actually, due to rookie navigation skills, we did accidentally stray into Canada on a few occasions.  The BWCA is very remote.  There are few people and motorized vehicles are not allowed in most of the area.

I intend on blogging a few times about our trip.  But, thought I would start with a journal entry from one of the afternoons in which we were camping on an island in the northernmost part of the BWCA.  Here is that entry...

This afternoon I have been sitting here on a granite outcropping a few feet north of our campsite on Camper's Island.  There is a slight breeze, but for the most part the water is calm.  The sun has been out a few times today, but it has been overcast most of it.  

I can see about eight pine covered islands from where I am sitting within 200 yards or so in the middle of the Saganaga.  The land masses further on are probably islands as well, but from here the land just runs together.  According to the map, they are most likely Horseshoe, Government and Blueberry Islands.  

The stillness is only broken by the occasional mournful cry of a loon, the slight lapping of the water on the rocks and a few motors and voices far off in the distance.  Sound travels a great distance out here.  At the moment, I can hear nearly every word said from some canoeists nearly a mile from me on Horseshoe Island.

But, most of the afternoon has been shrouded in silence.  To be honest, the silence is a very comforting but strange and unusual experience.  It is calming and exhilarating at the same time.  God is here!!  His majesty is unmistakable.  As I considered this a few minutes ago, a lone bald eagle flew directly over our camp.  I could hear, very distinctly, every flap of his wings.  It was stunning!  God truly is a God of beauty!  The cool thing is that even though I can more easily sense His presence here, I don't have to come here to find Him!  I was reading earlier today and came across Psalm 139:7-10.  "If I ascend unto heaven, you are there.  If I make my bed in hell, you are there."  

He is in the Boundary Waters AND He is in Indianapolis!  Even there, His right hand shall lead me!

More to come later! 


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