Echoes of Eden

As we walked, I had the feeling that we were leaving civilization. The trail was the only thing that betrayed the existence of another human besides our immediate family. It was a wild and rugged country, but it was also extremely beautiful. The majesty of the mountains was breathtaking. It was a profoundly spiritual experience.
I have thought of that hike many times since. What is it about experiences like it that touch something in our hearts so deeply? That sparks a longing to keep walking away from the world in which we live, into paradise? It is because experiences like these are as close as we can now get to Eden. Something in our soul remembers and longs to return. Eden still echoes in our hearts.
We hear that echo every time we pause for a few minutes to watch a sunset, to look at a sky full of stars on a very dark night, to walk through a woods at dusk, or to watch a sunrise over a foggy pond. All of you know this feeling! Deep inside us we hear a faint voice.
God is calling!