...surpassing the usual or ordinary, heroic and impressive in quality!

That is the definition of epic. When I think of films that are epics, I think of The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Gone with the Wind and more recently, The Lord of the Rings. They are stories of epic struggle, life and death conflict and heroic action. Often, they are stories of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary events.


It is a story much like the story told in The Lord of the Rings. Your story, like theirs, begins in the middle of time. In fact, at first Frodo and Sam do not even realize that they are key players in a dangerous struggle that began hundreds of years before they were born. They can't see it. They live in blissful ignorance of the struggle that rages just outside the borders of their world.

We too, live in ignorance of the epic struggle that we have been born into. Although for many of us there is one key difference. Ours is not a blissful ignorance. Down deep we know something is going on. Something big! We know this because many of us carry wounds from a battle we didn't even know we were in.

Men, you have been born into an ancient struggle. The exciting thing is that you are now on the side of good and God has a plan for you in this epic. One you were born for. It is time to gird yourself. Put on your armor.


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