Tiger Woods is Looking For God

A few months back, I wrote a blog about a quote that I had read. See the details here, but the quote was "The young man who rings the bell at the brothel is unconsciously looking for God."

Here is why...

God is a God of beauty! He is continually wooing us to Himself with the beauty that is all around us. I have written about how this recognition of beauty and its impact is unique to mankind. I am sure that all of you have experienced this when you have gazed at the mountains, the ocean, a star-filled sky, the clouds of a gathering thunderstorm, etc. This feeling is the wooing that I spoke of above.

Men, you know that the beauty of a woman has a similar, yet more intense, impact. That is because Woman is God's crowning achievement. This is what Solomon was saying in the Song of Solomon. Woman is beauty personified. Her beauty and all of God's creation are intended to stir a longing in our hearts. A longing for our creator.

But, that intention and plan took a hit in the Garden of Eden. Adam found himself face to face with the deception of Eve and had to choose between following the naked woman or following God. Of course we all know he chose the naked woman. Adam's idolatry set the stage for an ongoing struggle. That decision placed Eve, rather than God, as the focus. We have been choosing the naked woman over God ever since. We still have that intense longing for our creator. But, we have directed it towards the Woman instead. We look to her to fill our deep longings for affirmation, intimacy and relevance.

But, she can't do it! Not even the supermodels. Unperturbed, we go from woman to woman trying to pacify that longing. Make no mistake, the longing is real. The longing is legitimate. Until we direct it the right way, we will continue to make stupid choices and do some pretty dumb things.

So Tiger, if by some miracle you happen to read this, no woman will ever be enough to fulfill the longing that you have. No woman is intended to. That longing is a God longing. Look for your answers there.


Lora said…
"Looking for God". That's good stuff. You may be onto something there. As far as the woman deceiving Adam though, I respectfully disagree. He was right there with her and chose to say nothing when the serpent deceived her. He needed to "man up" and chose not to. Good article.
Unknown said…
Lora, I completely agree! I may not have stated it clearly, but I believe exactly that. Adam failed Eve when he could have fought for her. Instead, he said nothing, then chose to follow her rather than God. He is responsible.

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