"My Name is Neo!"

One of my favorite scenes in the movie "The Matrix" is the subway station fight scene. I know many of you have seen the movie, so I will not spend much time setting the scene.

Neo has discovered that the world in which he has been living is a fake, an illusion; one in which humanity is held captive by machines, the matrix. But, he has become enlightened. In essence, he has been born again. He now understands the truth but he is still not sure of his role in it.

During one of his trips back into the matrix he meets an agent, Mr. Smith, in the above mentioned subway station. During the fight that ensues the agent continues to refer to Neo by his old matrix name, Mr Anderson. The fight is a hard fought one. Clearly the agent is getting the upper hand. But, right at the last minute, when death looks imminent, Neo defiently says, "My name is Neo!" as he defeats the agent.

Satan is just like Mr. Smith. He knows that we have been given a new name. "Neo" means new. But, he tries to deceive us by continuing to call us by our old names, liar, adulterer, thief, shameful, selfish, passive, coward, etc. The problem is sometimes we listen. We start accepting his accusations. After all, isn't he right? Weren't we all of those things? Yes, we WERE! But, we are NOT NOW!

We have been given a new name. You have been given a new name. Shake off the condemnation of who you used to be. Those are just Satan's attacks to render us ineffective.

You are a new creation!


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