Don't Quit

So often, what we can accomplish is limited not by our lack of skill, lack of ability or strength but simply by what we believe about ourselves. "I am not a good leader.  I am not a good public speaker.  I am not very smart.  I am not good at ...."  You fill in the blank.  We believe these things because we have been told that they are true or simply because we have decided them about ourselves.  Many times, we have believed them because it is easier that way.  We don't have to take a risk or put ourselves on the line.  

In the video, Brock thinks he can make it to the 30 yard line.  But, he makes it to the opposite goal line.  Are you at the 30?  Don't quit!  What giants are you facing?  Is your marriage on the rocks?  Are your kids rebelling?  Don't quit!  Have you fallen to temptation once again?  Don't quit!  We are guaranteed to fail when we quit.  But, God has placed you here on this earth for a purpose.  Don't quit!


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