
I am sure that many of you are familiar with Facebook. One of my previous posts let you know that we now have a group on Facebook for the Jesus the Messiah Church Men's Ministry.

I also know that many of you have not yet dipped your toe into this social networking thing. My career is in information technology and I have to admit that, even though I have had a Facebook account for a few years, social networking is still a curious thing to me.

For those of you who are still just a bit uncomfortable with the concept, there is a new option that has recently been released by John Eldredge's Ransomed Heart Ministries. Here is the description straight from the site...

RansomedHeart.net is a new Social Networking site for John Eldredge and Ransomed Heart's friends around the world. Come on in and make yourself at home...upload a profile picture, play with your page, write a blog post, set up a group for your band of brothers or a special area of interest (bow hunting anyone?), start a discussion, post an event you're organizing...this place is for you.

If you are interested, click on the box below.  I also plan to set up a JMC Men's Group on this page.


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