"How Do You Like My Office?"

B.Z is a cowboy in Utah. A few days ago he was our guide on a trail ride through sandstone cliffs overlooking Zion National Park at sunset.

Despite the upper 90 degree heat, a comparatively cool wind had been blowing all afternoon across the arid hills that flank the eastern border of Zion. We briefly considered canceling our ride due to the dust the wind was kicking up. As 8pm neared, the wind and dust died down a bit.

After mounting our horses, B.Z. led us up and around the sandstone bluffs. The horses were relatively sure-footed with only a few slips and stumbles on the narrow rocky sand-covered inclines.

Looking into the wind toward the setting sun over Zion, the views from the narrow 200 ft. bluffs were stunning! The moment touched all of the senses. The sight of the sunset and majestic cliffs. The sound of the wind and the feel of it on my face. The exhilaration of sitting in a saddle on a horse just feet from the edge of a cliff. The smell of the sage carried on the wind.

As always, in situations like these, my thoughts went to God! What an incredible creation! And more to the point, what an incredible impact this creation has on our souls.

I am envious of B.Z. He lives closer than I to this creation. He knows it too. At one point on the ride, he yelled back to me, "Hey Bob, how do you like my office?"

I like it very much B.Z.! Very much!


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