Read Me Every Morning!

Saw a movie a few weeks back, called Remember Sunday, that told the story of a man who had lost his ability to retain short term memory.  When he awoke in the morning, he had no memory of the day before.  Nor, any day for that matter since suffering a brain aneurysm.  

His sister had created a folder that was just above his alarm clock that was labeled, "Read Me Every Morning!"  It contained the story of what had happened to him and helped him reorient himself to who he was and what he should be doing.  It was absolutely necessary to reintroduce those things into his memory to frame the rest of the day.  

This morning, I realized I needed to do the same thing.  I have short term memory loss when it comes to remembering who I am in God, what I need to focus on and what kind of man I should be.  It will serve to frame my day.  


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