The Catch and the Hug

In a recent Phillies vs. Nationals game, a player from the Phillies fouled a pitch into the upper deck. A man there with his wife and two little girls made a great catch. He received all of the expected congratulations from the fans around him. Then reached down and gave the ball to his four year old daughter. Watch the video below to see what happened next...

What a great dad! Many fans attend games for years and are never able to snag a foul ball. When this guy does it and gives it to his daughter, she throws it back. As the announcers say in the video, she is just doing what she has seen the players do.

In an interview, the dad said that he could not believe that she threw it back. Then he saw the scared look on her face, like she had done something wrong. So he pulled her to him and hugged her. After the hug, you can tell that she is "all better."

What a great dad, to understand the significance of the moment and take the opportunity to communicate to his daughter that she is much more important to him than any old baseball.


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