Did You Say, Call Cleo Taylor?

Today was one of those days that I found myself running from meeting to meeting.  Frantic scurrying from one building to another without even time between meetings to use the restroom.  My mind was occupied with all of the issues of the meeting I was coming from, while trying to transition to the issues of the meeting that I was heading towards.

Since it takes a bit of time to make it from one building to the other, I decided to try to make a call while I speed walked.  I popped my bluetooth headset in my ear and used the voice activation feature to tell my phone who I wanted to call.  Seeking to verify my instruction it asked, "Did you say, call Cleo Taylor?"

The question stopped me in my tracks.  I paused for a moment and sadly and slowly answered, "No."

Cleo Taylor was my grandfather.  Apparently, his contact information has been transferred from one cell phone to the other as I have upgraded to newer phones.  Unfortunately, he has been dead for a number of years.

I wanted so badly at that moment to say, "Yes!  I did say to call Cleo Taylor.  I miss him."  I wanted to tell him about what was going on and what had been happening over the passed years. How proud he would be of his great grandchildren who are now almost grown.  I wanted to ask him some questions.  Questions that I never took the time or was afraid to ask about his views, hopes, disappointments.  I wanted to spend some time with my grandpa.

I think it was a brief moment of wanting to connect with a past that seems to be slipping into history like so many of the ancestors I come across as I research our family heritage.  I think I also experienced a recognition that someday my name may be the one that is left in someone's address book and contact list.

It was a brief reminder to make the most of every day.  Not just everyday, but this one!!!    


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