
A few days ago, I pulled this blog up in my browser and looked at some of the posts I have written over the years. I noticed a trend. In 2009, I wrote 23 posts. From 2010 through 2012, I wrote 9, 4 and 1 respectively. Almost all of the posts in 2010 where written the first part of the year.

The decline correlates to a particularly difficult time at work. Looking back, I can see that this experience bled over into all areas of my life. To be honest, I think it rocked my world more significantly than it should have.

There have been many other challenges besides work. I wish I could say that I have passed all of the trials with flying colors. Not so much. But, I am starting to realize that they have come my way for a purpose. God is continuing to Father me. The past few years have revealed some areas in my heart that still need healing. But, I have felt more whole the last few weeks than I have felt in a long time. I am so grateful for God's unending love! And, for the community of men he has placed around me as well!


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