Rain-X for the Soul

I found one of my journal entries from the beginning of the year today. In it, I was reflecting on 2012 and the challenges it brought. Then, I added these statements...

There have been many significant upsides this year as well. I hate how all of the negative things seem to overshadow the positive times. Even if the negative things are only a small subset of all of our experiences for a given time. I think it has to do with how much we relive the negative times, either through worry, unforgiveness, guilt, etc. We let them soak in, rather than shedding them like a windshield that has been treated with Rain-X sheds water. Makes me wonder how much this has to do with unbelief. Was Jesus that way? Did He dwell on the hurt caused by others? Did He self protect or worry?  I don't think so.


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