Going To War in My Boxers
Many times, when I post a blog entry, I include a photo. This entry will not include a photo! A few days back, I wrote a blog entry about a new practice I have implemented, every morning if I can, of reading through some notes and scriptures to remind me of who He is and who I am in Him. Over the years of my life, I have tried at various times to practice "morning devotions." I was never very successful. After only a few weeks, sometimes only a few days, of setting my alarm to get up early to read my Bible and some book of daily devotions like "My Utmost for His Highest", I would start hitting the snooze button. But, I have realized that I have been thinking of "morning devotions" all wrong. Firstly, even the term sounds more religious than imperative. I looked at these times as something that would be nice to do, maybe even gain me some points with God. But, I did not see them for what I now understand them to be. In one of t...