Going To War in My Boxers

Many times, when I post a blog entry, I include a photo.  This entry will not include a photo!

A few days back, I wrote a blog entry about a new practice I have implemented, every morning if I can, of reading through some notes and scriptures to remind me of who He is and who I am in Him.  Over the years of my life, I have tried at various times to practice "morning devotions."  I was never very successful.  After only a few weeks, sometimes only a few days, of setting my alarm to get up early to read my Bible and some book of daily devotions like "My Utmost for His Highest", I would start hitting the snooze button.  But, I have realized that I have been thinking of "morning devotions" all wrong.

Firstly, even the term sounds more religious than imperative.  I looked at these times as something that would be nice to do, maybe even gain me some points with God.  But, I did not see them for what I now understand them to be.  

In one of the Lord of the Rings movies, I believe it is The Fellowship of the Ring, there is a scene where King Theoden is being prepared for battle by his armor bearer.  This is a fairly involved custom and it plays out on many levels.  As, he is being outfitted with multiple layers of armor and being equipped with various weapons of war, he is also preparing himself mentally.  

Historically, I don't think I have seen life for the war that it is.  Eldredge says that we have come to approach life like we are living in a TV sitcom rather than in an epic movie.  We suffer many wounds, most not visible to the naked eye, because we enter into every day's battle less than prepared.  Every day, our hearts and thoughts are continuously assaulted by one who seeks to destroy us.  And, most of the time we aimlessly wander into the line of fire unprepared.  The analogy would be walking into a raging battle unarmed and in our underwear.       

I now look at my morning time with God as preparing for battle!  Spiritually, mentally and physically!  


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